
Approvals required for apartments

Approvals required for apartments
March 10, 2020 | Investment

For any building / kerala property to get constructed, the builder will need to have a set of approvals sanctioned from various departments or authorities concerned. Without these approvals, both the building and the builder will be subjected to penalty either in the form of fines or as prosecution.

Airport Clearance

The airport authority of India along with the Directorate of air traffic management gives a no-objection certificate for all buildings located under any municipal body. Every building that exceeds a minimum height criteria fixed by the respective municipal corporation requires a no objection certificate from the airport authority of India.

AIA (Airport Authority of India)

Proposed buildings within 20km vicinity from Airport Reference Point(ARP) and/or as per the colour coded zoning map approved for each airport and/or all buildings having elevation more than 150m from ground level.

Naval & Army Clearance

The redevelopment or construction of buildings located within a 100 m-radius of Defence establishments or installations require a NOC from the Local Military Authority (LMA).

CRZ Clearance

As per the notification stated by the Environment Protection Act, 1986 of India, the coastal land up to 500 m from the High Tide Line (HTL) and the land between the Low Tide Line (LTL) and HTL along banks of creeks, estuaries, rivers and backwaters subjected to tidal fluctuations are termed as the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ). The notification imposes a restriction on setting up of industrial buildings and numerous other activities in the CRZ.

Any activity as specified in the schedule to the Notification No.SO 1533(E) dated on 14th September,2006 and as amended from time to time ,issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.-The approval to be taken from State level Environment Impact Assessment Authority(SEIAA)/Ministry of Environment and Forests.

Proposed site/ buildings in any area notified by the Government of India as a costal regulation zone under the Environment Protection act ,1986(Central Act 29 of 1986) and rules made there under.-The approval to be taken from Kerala Costal Zone Management Authority(KCZMA)

Land Clearance

The Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 is an act to conserve the paddy land and wetland, to restrict the conversion or reclamation of the same in order to promote growth in the agricultural sector and to sustain the ecological system. On account of urbanization agricultural land is sometimes converted into Non – Agricultural land for constructing buildings for residential/commercial purpose. In such cases a developer needs to get approval from the local body and the State Ministry of Urban Development (UD).

Ministry of Environment and Forest Clearance

Environmental Clearance (EC) for certain developmental projects has been made mandatory by the Ministry of Environment and Forests through its Notification under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. According to the notification, municipalities, development authorities and district panchayats can stipulate environmental conditions while granting building permission for construction projects more than 50,000 sq meters and less than 1,50,000 sq meters of built-up area.

Clearances from Government institutions nearby

Approval is required from the local authority and Local body under the provisions of Local Building Byelaws, Master plan and Local Body Acts. If the proposed building is part of/is within a 300-meter radius from the declared boundary of any monument protected under Ancient Monument Act and is under the control of Archeological Survey of India (ASI), NOC is mandatory from National Monument Authority (NMA) / ASI.

Kerala Fire Department Clearance

Kerala fire license or no-objection certificate is mandatory for high-rise buildings in the state. The officials from the Department will inspect the site; scrutinize the plan and then issue clearance for staring the building construction. After the completion of construction, the Department again inspects the concerned site and other firefighting measures and issues a Certificate of Approval.

Kerala Water Authority Clearance

Kerala Water Authority mandates the prohibition of construction of buildings, over the sewer. No person shall without the permission of the Authority construct any private street, building, wall, fence or other structure on any sewer of the Authority.

Permission is required from the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to abstract ground water Permission to abstract groundwater through any energized means i.e. for digging/installation of a bore well water connection in the site for drinking water in a notified / non notified area for household/ industrial / infrastructure projects as per guidelines under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1986.

Zoning Clearance

The revenue department provides the ownership certificate for building permit under the provisions of Local Body Acts. The state town planning checks regarding city development with the planning board and forwards the proposals to the various other concerned authorities in the city as required for issue of case-specific approvals/ NOC before granting zoning approval.

GAIL Clearance

NOC from the Competent Authority such as GAIL, IOC, Reliance etc., in case site, is located within 30m vicinity of the Gas pipeline.


A NOC is mandatory from NHAI if the plot under development is abutting to a National Highway. It is to make clear that no land acquisition or development is planned by NHAI.


Consent to Establish should be obtained from Kerala State Pollution Control Board before commencing the construction of building.

As per the prevailing statutes of KSPCB.


NOC from Indian Railways is mandatory if the plot under development lies within 30 Metres from the existing railway line near to the plot.

The above said clearances are mandatory and should be approved first-hand before the construction of any building to ensure safe and peaceful living. So when you are looking to buy flat or flats in kerala, make sure that you partner with the right builder – who puts your safety as their prime concern before anything else. That’s why we suggest you partner with Kalyan Developers– one of the best builder in kerala to ensure a safe and peaceful living nestled in the lap of world-class amenities.

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